He wrote several short hymns and songs, the most well-known of which are "The Lost Chord" and "Onward, Christian Soldiers." Although Sullivan endeavored to make a name for himself through the composition of serious music, it was the lighthearted music of his collaborations with Gilbert that ultimately made him famous.

Sullivan began his career by composing serious works, such as oratorios, symphonies, and other orchestral pieces. He studied at the Royal Academy of Music and also in Germany, learning traditional compositional techniques at the Leipzig Conservatory of Music. Born in London, Sullivan demonstrated prodigious musical talent at an early age, including an ability to play several instruments and sing with great skill. Sir Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900) is best known for his comic operas produced in collaboration with W. A prolific writer, he is credited with over 211 publications, including fiction and non-fiction. The Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould (1834–1924) maintained a parish in West Devon, England, but was also a notable collector of English folk songs.

View the lyrics for "Onward Christian Soldiers." This is an Edison recording made pre-1924. This song was often arranged for band and highlighted by brass to emphasize its military aspects. "Onward Christian Soldiers" performed by an unidentified vocal group accompanied by band. When people today want to reform something in society, how do they go about it? Which strategies from 100 years ago are still used today? What are some new strategies people use? Why don't churches use it as much now as they did sixty or seventy years ago? What events happened since then that might have change perceptions of this song? Vietnam, holy wars in the Mideast. What "battles" were some of the other reformers-settlement house workers, temperance workers, suffragettes, or labor and farm organizers-fighting? What "weapons" did they use in their work? What are some of the "victories" they won? In what battles were they defeated? Which movements were motivated by religion? What were some of the other motives of the reformers? Why might the reformers during this era see themselves as fighting a battle? One group, in particular adapted military images: how did the Salvation Army use the "army" and "war" metaphors? What battles did they fight? What "weapons" did they use? What actions are "Christian soldiers" being urged to take? What are some metaphors used in this song? List the metaphors that use war terminology. Words by Sabine Baring-Gould music by Sir Arthur Sullivan, 1865–71